LOS ANGELES, 18. Oktober 2023 – Die visuell umwerfende, in Partnerschaft mit Dark Horse Comics entstandene, Umsetzung der Hellboy-Comics vom Entwicklungsstudio Upstream Arcade und Publisher Good Shepherd Entertainment, Hellboy Web of Wyrd, ist ab sofort auf PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One und Xbox Series X|S zum Preis von 24.50 € verfügbar.
Hier geht es zum Launch Trailer!
In Hellboy: Web of Wyrd schlüpft ihr in die feuerrote Haut des teuflischen Helden (gesprochen von Lance Reddick) und erkundet das seltsame Wyrd. Nachdem ein Agent des Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.) im Butterfly House verloren geht, muss sich der Mann fürs Grobe – Hellboy – um die Angelegenheit kümmern.
In einer einzigartigen Spielwelt, die direkt aus Mike Mignolas Comics entsprungen zu sein scheint, lässt man auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen der “Wyrd” genannten Dimension die Fäuste fliegen. Sucht euren vermissten Kollegen, erkundet diese seltsame Welt und prügelt euch mit verheerenden Nah- und Fernkampfattacken durch die Reihen furchteinflößender Monster, die das Wyrd bevölkern, während die höllische Kraft des berühmten Protagonisten stetig wächst – bis er es selbst mit den größten Schrecken aufnehmen kann.
Hellboy: Web of Wyrd ist eine originelle Geschichte, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Dark Horse Comics entstanden ist. Bleibt unter www.goodshepherd.games stets über Good Shepherd Entertainment und das Butterfly House auf dem Laufenden oder folgt @GoodShepherdEnt einfach direkt, um keine Neuigkeit zu verpassen.

About Good Shepherd Entertainment
Good Shepherd Entertainment is an award-winning independent game publisher based in the Netherlands. The company has built a robust global footprint, shepherding talented development teams to create impactful games that innovate, challenge, and – most importantly – entertain. We’ve done this by pairing creators with writers, musicians and IP powerhouses and through strategic partnerships with some of the industry’s most notable names, including Devolver Digital, Croteam and Perfect World. In addition to the acclaimed John Wick Hex and Monster Train, GSE’s selection of titles includes Hellboy Web of Wyrd, Showgunners, Phantom Doctrine, the Transport Fever series, and the Hard West series. For more information, visit www.GoodShepherd.games.
About Dark Horse Comics
Founded in 1986 as an offshoot of his comics retail chain, Mike Richardson launched Dark Horse Comics with the goal of creating a welcoming environment for comics professionals. The company strives to be an example of how integrity and innovation can broaden a unique storytelling medium and transform a company with humble beginnings into an industry giant. Dark Horse has published the work of many of the greatest talents in the industry, past and present. The company also set the industry standard for quality licensed comics, graphic novels, collectibles, and art books based on popular film and gaming properties. Dark Horse established an entertainment division in 1989, finding success with company-owned projects The Mask and TimeCop. Additionally, Dark Horse has a long tradition of establishing new creative talent throughout all of its divisions. In 2022, Dark Horse Media, LLC was established as the parent company of all three divisions, and became part of Embracer Group AB, forming the tenth operative group, strengthening the company’s transmedia capabilities.
About Upstream Arcade
Upstream Arcade is an independent games studio Founded by BAFTA winning developers from Lionhead studios with over 20 years of experience making games. Since Upstream Arcade’s creation, we have expanded to a talented team of 15 lovely individuals. We are lucky enough to make the games we want to play – original action gameplay with a heavily stylistic flair.