World 1-1 Documentary World Premiere Release on Steam Store Tuesday 5/19
Devolver Digital Films has that announced another of its independent feature movies, World 1-1, releases worldwide on the Steam Store on Tuesday May 19th at 9 a.m. PST. The documentary, produced by Daryl Rodriguez and Jeanette Garcia, chronicles the emergence of global video game industry, from the personalities of the earliest Atari pioneers to the lucky deals and unfortunate mistakes that almost destroyed the entire industry as quickly as it began. World 1-1 will launch on the Steam Store at a sale price of $5.39 for one week, offering 33% off its regular price of $7.99 (£5.59, 7,99€). The 131-minute documentary is among the first movie titles to be released on the global gaming platform, which now boasts than 125 million active users worldwide.
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