Renowned Japanese video game company LEVEL-5, best known for their critically acclaimed Professor Layton video game series, today announced that airport-simulator and puzzle game, AERO PORTER, will release November 29 via the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ in both North America and Europe at $4.99 USD and €4.99 / %u20A44.49 respectively (please check the Nintendo eShop for pricing in other available countries).
AERO PORTER was created by legendary game designer Yoot Saito, the creator of some of Japan’s most innovative titles including Seaman, The Tower, and Odama, and was originally released only in Japan as part of GUILD01, a multi-game pack featuring works by some of the industry’s most respected game creators.
As the second game from GUILD01 to release in Europe and North America, AERO PORTER stands as a testament to the creative and visionary design legacy of Yoot Saito, offering an approachable and addictive addition to the Nintendo eShop that gamers of all ages and skill levels can enjoy.
About AERO PORTER In AERO PORTER, the player is charged with managing the busy day-to-day operations of a bustling airport through gameplay that includes both clever puzzle elements and simulation challenges. While running their flight hub, players sort color-coded luggage onto conveyor belts while avoiding mishaps and delays, all while ensuring the on-time departures of airplanes. As the game progresses, players earn money and increase their passengers in order to expand their airport, unlock new gameplay elements, and raise the level of challenge. Players are also able to design and share their own planes with a wide range of colors and patterns via StreetPass™.
For more information about LEVEL-5 and each of its upcoming titles, please visit
All titles available in English only.