Enhanced Special Weapons and Tactics… You’re gonna need ‘em! Today ESWAT: City Under Siege, the sci-fi dystopian side scroller, joins SEGA Forever, a growing collection of classic SEGA games from every console era that are free-to-play (with ad support) for mobile devices. All games in the SEGA Forever collection are available to download for free from the App Store for iPhone and iPad or Google Play Store for Android devices. Players who want to experience the games without ads can remove them for a one-time in-app purchase priced at $1.99 / €2.29 / £1.99.
ESWAT: City Under Siege which is set in the near future was first released in 1990 for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive, is based on the arcade game Cyber Police ESWAT, which was released in 1989. Players fight as Officer Duke Oda and set out to make the streets of Liberty City, which has succumbed to an overwhelming crime wave and been taken over by the evil corporation E.Y.E., safe again. As they advance and face down boss after boss, players gain rank and access to greater weapons and defensive capabilities. Like the rest of the SEGA Forever collection, ESWAT boasts added features like leaderboards, cloud saves, and controller support.
Download ESWAT: City Under Siege now!
Assets are available here.
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About SEGA Networks Inc., SEGA Game Co., Ltd.’s mobile division in the West:
SEGA’s mobile division in the West has its headquarters based in San Francisco with dedicated studios across North America and the UK. Focused on creating fun, compelling and engaging games, SEGA’s games feature iconic intellectual property as well as original innovative content for mobile and tablet devices. Since 2008, it has been a leader in the smartphone and tablet space and continues to be at the forefront of mobile gaming. SEGA Networks Inc.’s mobile studios include Hardlight™ and Demiurge Studios™. For more information, visit sega.com.