Your Date with Destiny Awaits in Retro Action Adventure Infernax, Now Available for Date Night on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Game Pass, Xbox Cloud Gaming
The Arcade Crew and Berzerk Studio are excited to inform you that your date has arrived. The retro action-adventure splatterfest Infernax is here to sweep you off your feet and carry you over that puddle of gore. Launching today on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Game Pass, PC Game Pass, and Xbox Cloud Gaming, Infernax promises to woo you with all the challenge and carnage pixels can deliver in the classic NES-era style you know and love. The game launches with a 10% discount on both the eShop and Steam until February 20th, but just don’t call it a cheap date.