Genre-defining skate-em-up OlliOlli finally makes its debut on the Nintendo Switch. Developer Roll7 and publisher Good Shepherd Entertainment have been working hard to bring the award-winning 2D side-scroller to Nintendo’s latest platform. OlliOlli’s fast gameplay and simple controls make the game a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo Switch owners will be able to enjoy two games, OlliOlli and OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood, with a total of 100 levels, 500 challenges and an seemingly endless amount of tricks. Players can lose themselves in the flow of the Daily Grind, Comborush and Radmode. Jump on that board and skate into the world of OlliOlli, whether you’re an experienced skater or new to the game. Make perfect use of the Joy-Con and land those tricks!
OlliOlli Switch Stance is available this Valentines Day for €14.99 through the Nintendo eShop and is the perfect gift for your partner, who always wanted to learn how to skate, but never got around to do it.
For instructions on how to land the perfect ollie, hit up @Roll_7 on Twitter.
For ankle bandage stockists in your area, try @GoodShepherdEnt.
