The Republique Remastered in Unity 5 Learn Project Goes Live
Earlier in 2015, Camouflaj published Remastering Republique: The Journey to Unity 5, a series of videos, articles and blog posts, about how the studio used Unity 5 to take République to the next level for the new PC version on Steam.
Today Unity and Camouflaj are going one step further by sharing a real slice of Republique Remastered on the Unity Asset Store. The project file will act as resource for the community to learn about what’s possible with Unity 5, and how it can be applied in a real game.
The project file contains several areas from Republique Remastered including the Brigs, Atrium, and the Terminus. Users can also see how several out-of-the-box Unity 5 features including Reflection Probes, Enlighten, new Animation and Audio features and more.
To learn more about the Republique Remastered in Unity 5 Learn Project visit: http://blogs.unity3d.com/?p=25186/
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